Q: Can there be swelling after Ultherapy? I had Ulthera done on my cheeks yesterday by my NYC dermatologist and there is some swelling under my chin. Is this normal?

A: Many people don't have swelling after Ultherapy, but some do and that is normal as there is inflammation induced by the heat. This inflammation is purposeful and is the energy that is used for collagen and connective tissue tightening can induce swelling. By gravity, this swelling could end up under the chin or jaw on the neck. It will go away in a few to several days.

Q: If I'm using antioxidants on my skin can I still have Ultherapy?

A: Yes, the Ulthera can tighten the deep tissues while you still use the topical treatments such as antioxidants, exfoliators, sunscreens, etc.

Q: Can Ultherapy in NYC give me a better jaw?

A: Yes, if you have a jowl that has sunken below the jawline, then lifting the cheek with Ulthera can pull the jowl up and give you a straighter and neater jawline. It doesn't work in every one, and it's not the same as a facelift, but it is a great non-surgical alternative. If there is not enough improvement for your face, then it might be repeated in six to twelve months.

Q: My eyebrows are uneven. One side is higher than the other and I want to have lifting done in NYC by Ulthera. Can the doctor lift one side more than the other?

A: This is quite a common scenario and my treatments are tailored to my individual patient rather than just using a "cookbook" set of directions. The Ultherapy can help lift the side that is lower, and less lines of Ulthera are delivered to the higher side.

Q: I had Ultherapy by my NYC dermatologist without any fat injections several months ago and see a big difference in my cheeks. I no longer have such hollows and I look younger but I didn't have fillers. How can the tightening of Ulthera help the volume without fillers?

A: The SMAS connective tissue layer (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) is tightening as a result of the Ulthera's focused ultrasound energy. As it tightens it brings back to the mid cheek, the skin and fatty layers that had descended into the jowls. This recreates the fullness that you've lost to some extent. Fillers are often done after Ulthera to add to the revolumization but some times people are happy without fillers despite the pretreatment volume loss.

Contact us to learn about the Cost of Ultherapy Procedure NYC

Dr. Ron Shelton, formerly having practiced on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, NYC, is now located in Midtown Manhattan. Call (212) 593-1818 to schedule your anti-aging treatment today.