Q: I have one welt on my neck after Ultherapy earlier today. Will this go away?

A: Welts can occur but are not common. They may be from superficial absorption of the heat from the ultrasound energy. It should go away in hours, to a few days on their own without leaving a trace. Blisters should not occur and if they do you should contact your doctor.

Q: If I have Ultherapy on my face now, will I look the same in ten years?

A: Probably not. The face continues to sag over time if you had no treatment. Ultherapy cannot prevent this. It can, however, turn back the hands of time to a slight degree and you will have a continued younger appearance compared to your current age as your age increases. Repeated Ultherapy can be done to maintain your benefit. The new collagen does not disappear. You can have Ulthera again in six to twelve months or longer.

Q: I had fat injections done two years ago and now want Ulthera. Can I do this?

A: You can have Ultherapy, but no one can guarantee that the fat volume won’t decrease. We don’t have any good studies done so fast that show how much, if any fat, would be lost after subjected to Ultherapy. If you have the procedure, you would have to be prepared to have repeat fat injections in case there is some atrophy of the fat after the Ulthera.

Q: Is Ultherapy a good treatment for lifting the face?

A: Ultherapy is ranked very high by patients. It can provide, in some patients, a very decent amount of lifting but also can give a global facial rejuvenation. It however, will never give the same measurement of a lift that a surgical facelift provides, but nor does it have the risks or downtime or cost of a facelift. The two should not be considered alternatives.

Contact us to learn more about Ultherapy® risks in New York City

If you have begun to notice the signs of aging, it is possible that non-invasive treatment like Ultherapy can produce the gorgeous results you desire. Contact us today at (212) 593-1818.