Q: I have nasty marionette lines. What can be done for them?

A: Volume replacement of soft tissue loss in the mid cheek area, filling the marionette line, Ultherapy ultrasonic lifting of the face can all help. Surgical facelifts can help but surprisingly don't eliminate these folds.

Q: I just turned 50 and am not ready for a facelift but I see my eyes have sagged and my jaw is getting baggy. What procedures can I do without surgery to help lift my face?

A: Some patients need volume to lift their facial features that have sagged from a loss of fat underneath their facial muscles. In addition, tightening can be accomplished by a series of Pelleve radiofrequency treatments, or a Thermage treatment which is radiofrequency also, or one Ultherapy ultrasound treatment. Both the Thermage and Ultherapy can be repeated a year later, or even sooner, if needed.

Q: Can I still have Ultherapy if I smoke?

A: We would love for you to quit smoking for many different medical reasons but I couldn't say that you wouldn't get a good response from Ultherapy because you smoke.

Q: Why should I do Ultherapy on the face? I asked my doctor about Thermage.

A: Many doctors who had done Thermage in the past may only exclusively do Ultherapy now, if they've tried both. There is a higher patient satisfaction with Ultherapy than Thermage. I consistently see better tightening of facial tissues with Ultherapy than compared with what I used to see with Thermage.

Q: Can Ultherapy help tighten my loose and sagging earlobes?

A: The applicator of the Ultherapy is too large for the small earlobes. Even the smaller transducers are too big. One can shorten the line of treatment but this off-label use might incur a greater risk of complication as the applicator won't have a perfect fit on the skin surface of the ear.

Contact us to learn more about Smoking and Ultherapy® NYC

If you have begun to notice the signs of aging, it is possible that non-invasive treatment like Ultherapy can produce the gorgeous results you desire. Contact us today at (212) 593-1818.