Dr. Shelton takes this opportunity to explain about FUSS - the best treatments to revive and repair your summer-ravaged skin.
While carrying memories of the summer holidays in your mind, you are also carrying a skin which has been damaged by the sun’s harmful ultraviolent (UV) rays into the Fall season. Unfortunately, you cannot undo this damage caused by those UV rays, but you can seek treatments which will help you minimize the appearance of damage on the skin’s surface.
If left unattended, this damage will build up over time, causing changes in the skin which make you look years older than you naturally would.
These changes include,
- Wrinkles
- Age spots
- Loose skin
- Spider veins
- Blotchy or ruddy complexion
These changes are known as “sun-damaged skin”, “pre-mature aging” or, in medical terms, photo-aged skin”. Board-certified dermatologists often use more than one type of treatment to treat photo damage as it aids in the treatment of different signs of aging while giving one’s skin a natural, healthy appearance.
New York City’s top dermatologist Dr. Ron Shelton has curated a skin treatment regimen to help his patients make a “FUSS” over their skin.
FUSS is a one time treatment combination of:
Fractional laser for photo damage
Ultherapy /
Sofwave™ for skin tightening and topical
Serum by Alastin to improve elastic and collagen fibers
Lasers such as Fraxel play a vital role in your post-summer treatment plan. Fraxel targets specific areas of the skin, stimulating the production of collagen from within with elastin growth, both of which are key regenerative proteins. While this aids in reversing the signs of skin damage it also leaves patients with a more youthful skin.
Ultherapy and Sofwave™:
Both Ultherapy and Sofwave™ use highly focused and intense ultrasound energy to stimulate the production of new collagen in the body, and this, in turn, improves the appearance of lines and wrinkles. The difference between Ultherapy and Sofwave™ is in the depths at which energy is delivered. While Sofwave™ has a 1.5mm depth which is the superficial dermal layer of the skin, Ultherapy goes much deeper at 3.0mm and 4.5mm. Ultherapy does have a 1.5mm deep treatment handpiece too but Dr. Shelton has found the Sofwave pulse is more efficient per pulse at that depth.
Ultherapy and Sofwave are not painless procedures so Dr. Shelton pretreats his patients with a numbing cream and medication to reduce the discomfort including nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Watch video here >>
Dr Shelton further emphasizes the importance of rejuvenating your skin after summer as it ultimately prepares you for the winter season, which can cause equal harm if you neglect your skincare routine. As the weather gets colder and dry, sun-damaged skin becomes more susceptible to dehydration, and there may be a difficulty in retaining moisture.
Serum from Alastin, Restorative Complex
Along with Fractional laser, Ultherapy and Sofwave™, Dr Shelton adds Serum from Alastin, Restorative Complex to his regimen. This will help stimulate the production of new collagen and elastic fibers to improve the results from your procedures. It can also help improve the hyaluronic acid content of your dermis which provides a supple quality to one’s skin. Alastin helps make your skin appear rejuvenated. Click here to order Alastin.
No matter the rejuvenation treatment you are considering, be sure to add moisturizing products to your daily skincare regimen as this will protect vulnerable skin. While great skincare may start with a visit to the dermatologist’s office, its upkeep is in your hands. Stick to your skincare routine and make the necessary seasonal adjustments to preserve your skin health.
Regimen Pro® can help you maintain your skincare routine by providing convenient online access to doctor-dispensed products. There is a money back guarantee. Click THIS link to create an account with Dr. Shelton, and to get access to his Top Picks. Ordering your products is made simple and easy, and it comes with a greater piece of mind as each product is authentic and properly stored unlike many cases of counterfeit and bootlegged products that have been found available to order online. These products are shipped directly to you from the manufacturer.
Ready to find out more about FUSS?
If you would like to find out more about Dr. Shelton's skin care regimen, please call us on (212) 593-1818 and ask for Dr Ron Shelton or use our online form.
Article by: Anne Nicholas