Sofwave Skin Tightening New York City, NY
As you age, you’ll notice wrinkled, loose skin on the face and neck areas. This ‘crepey skin’, which resembles crepe paper, commonly appears on the chest, especially on the cleavage area, and may also be found on the upper and lower inner arms, elbows, abdomen, thighs and knees. Though it is not a harmful condition, crepey skin makes you look older than you really are, and it may lead to negative feelings about your body.
With many skin rejuvenation treatments to choose from, an innovative new technology called Sofwave™ skin tightening New York City (newest generation of intense ultrasound treatment following that of Ultherapy) has made it easier to look and feel younger. According to Dr Shelton, just one, quick treatment of Sofwave™ at his practice in New York City is enough to see a noticeable improvement on your skin for many of his patients!
What causes crepey skin?
Crepey skin is most common in those who are over 40 years of age. It is caused by the naturally decreasing production of collagen and elastin, which occurs as you age. This process can be accelerated by additional factors such as sun exposure, history of smoking, dry skin and weight loss.
The American Association of Dermatology ranks sun exposure as one of the prime causes of early skin damage. Therefore, if you cannot avoid the sun, be sure to wear protective clothing and use sunscreen. Keep your skin moisturized at all times to prevent collagen damage, which may arise from skin dryness and eventually lead to crepey skin.
Why is Sofwave™ recommended to reduce crepey skin?
To most people, a neck lift or a facelift would be the ideal procedure to reduce crepey skin. However, surgery would require incisions, anesthesia and downtime, and not every patient has the time to spend on surgery. Sofwave™ offers the quickness and the convenience that these other treatments lack, for it requires minimum downtime. It uses synchronous ultrasound parallel beam technology, which is designed to minimize the downtime and to provide maximum patient convenience.
Sofwave™ is FDA cleared, and it has been clinically proven to improve facial lines and to reduce wrinkles by remodeling collagen. This procedure tightens lax skin and improves the appearance of wrinkles. With Sofwave™, patients can expect ideal outcomes with a single 30-to-40-minute treatment.
Sofwave™ in NYC treated areas?
- Neck
- Chest, especially cleavage
- Elbows
- Abdomen
- Knees
Dr. Shelton practices in the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York, which is one of the first practices in New York City to offer Sofwave™ for patients interested in skin tightening. LSSC was also one of the research trial sites providing clinical data to the Sofwave™ company when applying for FDA clearance.
Microneedling with radiofrequency(RF) such as Lutronic’s Infini™ and Genius™, InMode’s Morpheus™ , is also used and sometimes with Sofwave™ by Dr. Shelton to improve crepey skin.
Sofwave™ is often used by Dr. Shelton in conjunction with Ultherapy to provide the best facial tightening and lifting.
Ready to find out more about Sofwave skin tightening in NYC?
If you are looking for a quick treatment that will make a natural impact, then Sofwave™ might be perfect for you. Contact Dr Shelton to discover what Sofwave™ can do for you. Call (212) 593-1818 or book an appointment online.
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