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Ron Shelton M.D.

#317 East 34th Street,
11th Floor, New York, NY 10016. 

Exploring fat-reduction options, like SmartLipo™ in NYC, CoolSculpting™, ThermiTight™, SculpSure™, UltraShape™ or Kybella™

There is a proven liposuction technique or advanced technology to meet each patient’s unique needs and goals for sculpting at the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York.

Tumescent liposuction

If you have stubborn pockets of fat that don’t budge no matter how hard you exercise or how well you eat, and are otherwise healthy, Dr. Shelton may recommend tumescent liposuction. Liposuction is not the only fat reduction technique; however, the tumescent approach is a very procedure common for good reason.

Introduced in the 1960s, this breakthrough method involves injecting a fluid mix to numb and prepare the treatment site. Later, the fat is suctioned out with a small tube or cannula, which is attached to a vacuum. Tumescent liposuction has long been considered the accepted way to shrink localized fat due in part to:

  • Minimal blood loss
  • Fluid replacement is not required
  • Decreased risk of infection
  • Long-lasting anesthetic effect

Patients appreciate having a quick reduction of the fat volume in their stubborn abdomens, love handles or outer thighs. However, they have to be prepared for a few weeks of bruising and some swelling so one should not expect to go to the beach in a skimpy bathing suit immediately after liposuction.

There are different types of liposuction including the typical tumescent, ultrasonic, power assisted and laser-assisted liposuction. Smart Liposuction™ uses light-based energy to break up and melt fat cells. The fat is then sucked out with a cannula in much the same way as tumescent lipo. The use of lasers, cold temperature, radiofrequency and bile salt injections (Kybella™), and other tools designed to reduce risks and healing are secondary to the expertise of a professional such as Dr. Shelton. A board-certified dermatologist whose life’s work is dermatologic surgery, Dr. Shelton has the depth of knowledge to suggest a treatment method best for your characteristics, lifestyle, objectives and budget.


Dr. Shelton has through his career has also embraced a number of devices that use different types of energy to meet patients’ tightening and toning needs. For instance, ThermiTight™ uses radiofrequency energy (RF) to treat areas that are more saggy than flabby. RF may be applied to the face and body, including the arms, abdomen, back, thighs, knees, chin, neck, and even under the eyes. ThermiTight™ is commonly used in conjunction with liposuction on the neck and bat wings of the arms. ThermiTight has been used successfully as a stand alone treatment without liposuction to melt the fat away in the double chin and neck.

Energy precisely heats tissues in a controlled fashion. Your body breaks down and eliminates this liquefied fat as part of a natural metabolic process. Depending on the area to be treated and the nature of the tissues in those areas, ThermiTight™ and other nonsurgical options such as CoolSculpting®, SculpSure TM and UltraShape® and Kybella™ injections for the double chin of the neck, may be recommended.

Ready to find out more?

Which of these many options is best for you? Find out during a consultation. Call (212) 593-1818 to schedule an appointment.